Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Morning Thinking About Shadows, Train Wrecks, Swimming & Leaving Texas

Seems like November just started up, yet it is already the 2nd Monday of November. In less than 2 months 2011 will be here. I'm feeling like I am on the fast track to being an old man.

But, I guess we are all on that same fast track, with mine, I hope, going no faster than anyone else's.

This morning when I went to take my ritual morning picture of my woeful view, I saw my shadow. I do not know why my shadow showed up this morning. Nothing was any different, same lights were on. And yet a shadow showed up.

I wish I could be at a Train Wreck next Saturday to observe some natives in their native habitat, but I never get out of Texas, so it is unlikely there will any native observing by me.

It is not even 7 yet and already the sun has lit up the place. And warmed up the place to a relatively balmy 51. I think I'll go swimming now, before it gets any hotter.

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