Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Cold Tandy Thanksgiving Day Hike

Yesterday I did not go hiking on the Tandy Hills, despite the inviting 83 degrees of heat.

Today, as in Thanksgiving Day, I had a couple hours to spare before the turkey was ready to spring from the oven, so I decided to go for a Tandy Hills hike,

As you can see I am wearing a lot of clothes, which is not my Tandy Hills norm. The excess clothing was necessitated by a temperature of 37 with a steady wind causing a Wind Chill Factor of 27.

I should have been wearing gloves.

This morning, upon waking, the temperature was 50. By the time I went swimming it was 45 and very windy. Swimming this morning was the strangest yet. Due to being warm the past few days the water was quite a bit warmer than the air temperature. This made the water easy to get into.

But, I assumed the water would quickly chill me and I'd have to bail after a few minutes. Instead, within a minute I realized I was going to be able to stay in it as long as I wanted. So I had myself a nice long swim this morning.

I thought when I exited the pool the wind and chill would quickly have me shivering. But that did not happen either.

I am almost 100% certain that tomorrow morning the water in the pool will have become significantly colder than it was this morning.

I have 45 minutes to go before the bird comes out of the oven. The doorbell is ringing. I need to go now. Talk to you later....

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