Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Cold Morning In Texas On The Last Day Of November Following A Night Of Nightmares

Looking out the window, on another cold morning in Texas, on this, the last day of the 1st November of the 2nd decade of the new century.

I am growing weary of time passing so quickly, I would like time to slow down and give me a break from the rapidly aging process.

This morning the rapidly aging process is manifesting itself in it feeling like every joint and bone in my feet and hands and shoulder is sore.


I do not know. Except for the fact that last night I had my most action-filled series of nightmares in memory. Disturbing nightmares where I would think I had awakened from the nightmare only to realize I was still asleep and still nightmaring. I've never experience such a thing before. It was exhausting.

It is only 36 degrees in the natural unheated zone this morning. No way am I going to try to go swimming. I will be totally over-doing hiking on the Tandy Hills today, barring some unexpected interruption of that plan.

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