Wednesday, November 24, 2010

83 Degrees In Fort Worth On Thanksgiving Eve With A Long Afternoon Swim

As you can see, the temperature has reached a semi-HOT 83 today. With the National Weather Service in Drama Queen mode over wind. Yes, it has been very windy all day long.

Today I did not make it a record-breaking 12 days in a row on the Tandy Hills. I'm not sure if this lapse was due to Don Young causing me to realize the total futility of me trying to get in shape.

But, that realization of the futility did not stop me from going swimming this afternoon in a daring break from my predictably boring pattern of doing the same thing over and over again at the same time.

Due to the 83 degrees the pool water was warmed up enough that I was in the pool for well over a half hour. I do not foresee the same thing happening tomorrow, what with the low expected to be 27.

I've got my Thanksgiving Day Turkey Buffet well under control. Cranberries cooked and chilling in the fridge. Pumpkin Pudding cooling, along with Cherry Pie. Whole Wheat/Red Pepper Stuffing ready to stuff the bird. Bird thawed.

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