Monday, November 22, 2010

81 Degrees Monday Afternoon In Fort Worth While 28 In Tacoma

Seconds ago I checked in on Facebook and saw that former Fort Worth native, now in exile in Tacoma, Mary Bishop Kellogg, shared the chilly information that it was currently 28 degrees in Tacoma.

One of MBK's Facebook Friends, Evelyne Schwarz Neimand, then felt compelled to comment that it was currently 81 in Fort Worth. I felt compelled to make the same comment, even before I saw Evelyne Schwarz Neimand's 81 degree comment.

I do not know what dire events conspired to take MBK from the balmy paradise known as Fort Worth, and has her currently incarcerated in that chilly Northwest town known for churning out crazy, Tacoma.

I do know that MBK has totally adjusted to the Pacific Northwest lifestyle. Hopping ferries to go pick fruit. Canning and preserving the ample, readily available fruits and vegetables that grow all over the the Northwest.  Just reading what MBK is cooking, canning and baking makes me homesick, at times.

I hope the Arctic Blast currently chilling Tacoma, does not put a damper on MBK's constant food preservation endeavors.


  1. It is currently 21 degrees and snowing in Sedro-Woolley ~ 5p.m.

  2. Yikes! Betty Jo, that is way too cold. It is 75 here currently. With no snow. Are you gonna have a snow day off from school tomorrow? This first BIG STORM of the season for you, up there, seems to be being worse than the forecast.
