Sunday, October 31, 2010

Up Early On Halloween Morning With The Texas Rangers First World Series Win & Promises Of A Haunted Update

You are looking out my bedroom window at a pre-dawn view of Halloween on a Texas Sunday morning.

It did not get as close to freezing last night as the night before, and is a relatively balmy 52 out there right now. Swimming should not be as shivering an experience this morning as yesterday.

The Texas Rangers have now won their first World Series game, beating the New York Yankees 4 to 2, last night in the Ballpark in Arlington. If Texas wins again today, the series will be tied.

Don Young took umbrage at the notion that I might have been questioning his credibility regarding his tale of the haunted Witchey Tree. An important Halloween update on the haunted tree is promised for today.

I see the sun has decided to arrive. The birds seem particularly excited about its arrival today.

I don't know which I want to do tonight. Go Trick or Treating? Or be bored out of my mind watching baseball?

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