Monday, October 18, 2010

Up Early In Training In Texas For The Amazing Race

As you can see from the view through the bars of my prison cell, October 18 is yet one more nice, clear blue sky day in Texas.

The blue sky day thing should be ending today, if the weather predictions of multiple days of incoming rain prove to be accurate.

I was in the pool, that you can see through the bars, soon after the sun lit up the place. The pool was very pleasantly temperatured.

Temperatured is being red-flagged as being a misspelling. I am choosing the "add to dictionary" option, thus turning "temperatured" into a legit word.

I learned last night that I need to get myself in shape for The Amazing Race and an audition video. The Queen of Wink and I are going to race around the world and be first to the final finish line, thus winning a million dollars.

I was shocked this morning to read my old hometown newspaper, on-line, to learn that a friend of mine from high school had gone missing whilst hiking on Sauk Mountain. I made an urgent inquiry of Betty Jo Bouvier and learned this was a different person, of the same name, who had gone missing. I've hiked to the top of Sauk Mountain many times. I don't quite see how one would get lost, without intending to do so.

I have not heard from Elsie Hotpepper for days. I think she must be pouting due to erroneously thinking I suggested that she was an old lady. All I did was refer to Elsie as a "lady of a certain vintage." That phrase does not mean "old lady." It could mean young lady, which, of course, it does, in reference to Elsie Hotpepper.

I think I will go hiking the Tandy Hills today as part of that get in shape for The Amazing Race plan. I hope I don't over do it.

1 comment:

  1. I surmise you're doing wonderfully! And in no time at all...we'll be on our way to the start in order to be the first at the finish! Since you're counting on my mental prowess...I've decided to take up more intellectual pursuits... Which means, I'm no longer dating musicians, only professors :-)
