Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Up Early Celebrating Columbus Day In Texas By Going Swimming

I am up way too early this morning of October 12.

Was yesterday, with yesterday being Monday, Columbus Day? Even though today, October 12, in 1492, was the day Columbus landed somewhere in the Americas and began spreading European diseases to the natives.

When I went to take a picture of the way before dawn view from the patio, I was spinning the dial on my camera and it went into a mode I'd not seen before. I spun the dial some more and settings appeared I'd not seen before. I chose 'superfine' not knowing what it meant.

When I took the picture off the camera it appeared way sharper than previous ISO setting pictures taken in the dark. I really should read the manual that came with the camera. It will be interesting to see what 'superfine' does to pictures taken with the sun providing illumination.

I think I'll go mountain biking at River Legacy Park today and hunt for bobcats and wild boars. I suspect this is going to be a very long day.

Maybe I will go swimming before the sun arrives. I have not done that in awhile. It is sort of warm out there, at 63 degrees at a quarter before 6.

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