Monday, October 18, 2010

Hiking The Tandy Hills With A Bird Cacaphony

That is Tandy Hills Shrine II you're looking at. I managed to get a semi-decent picture of the rusty cable that I found added to the shrine on Saturday.

Why was this rusty cable on the Tandy Hills, I can't help but wonder?

Rain is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I hope it arrives in sufficient quantity to wash the air clean of whatever is polluting it right now that has my eyes itching so bad.

There was a lot of bird racket today on the Tandy Hills. This seemed unusual to me. What had all the birds chirping so much? I really don't see all that many birds flying about the Tandy Hills. Today it was like a bird convention was in town and it was being held in the Tandy Hills.

I am likely going to be pedaling out of Gateway Park to the Trinity Trail again this early evening. I saw something I wanted to take a picture of as I crossed the Beach Street Bridge today.

I have heard from Elsie Hotpepper. She is claiming she is not pouting.

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