Sunday, October 17, 2010

The State Fair of Texas In Dallas Ends Today While Last Night The Texas Rangers Beat The New York Yankees

One would think I could sleep in late on a nice quiet Sunday. One would be wrong.

Looking out my bedroom window you can see it is very dark out there.

It is already October 17. The last day of the State Fair of  Texas. By the end of today another State Fair of Texas will have closed for the year without me managing to make it to Dallas to have me some Deep-Fried Beer.

The Texas Rangers are one win closer to being in the World Series, via beating the New York Yankees last night. I think I could hear the cheering. The Ballpark in Arlington is only a few miles east of where I am sitting right now.

It is 59 degrees at the current point in time, about a half hour before the sun finally gets around to lighting up the place. When that happens I am going swimming and will be staying in the pool til I am chilled to the bone. Which should not take too long.

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