Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Made It Safely Home From Hiking In America's 15th Most Dangerous Neighborhood While Thinking About The Trinity River Vision

By late afternoon I decided to buck myself up and be brave enough to drive to the 15th Most Dangerous Neighborhood in America to go hiking on the Tandy Hills.

I encountered 3 groups of humans on the hills this afternoon, 8 humans in total. None of the humans seemed to present a danger.

But I was taking no chances. I was packing heat in the form of my whacking stick.

I do not recollect the grass getting so voluminous on the Tandy Hills previously. The grass is obscuring the trail in places, which was of particular concern as I walked the trail that was the location of my most recent Tandy snake encounter.

This afternoon, whilst zooming up and down grassy hills, I realized I am no longer in recovery mode from my little bike accident of a few days ago. I am back being ache and pain free. And I've been off the drugs for a day. No Ibuprofen.

I left the 15th Most Dangerous Neighborhood in America when I was done with the Tandy Hills and went to Town Talk. On the way to Town Talk I saw that the Trinity River has dropped lower. Maybe the water is being removed from the river so the Trinity River Vision (which is underway) can line the riverbed, since part of the Trinity River Vision has now come to see turning the Trinity River into a destination inner tube floating venue.

I really am getting tired of people making fun of the Trinity River Vision. It seems very wrong-headed not to realize that a vision as vast as the Trinity River Vision would change over time as the vision gets clearer and more possibilities are seen.

And of course the price tag is going to rise. I really don't begrudge the big raise given to J.D. Granger, what with what a bang up job he is doing, totally showing how wrong those who belittled his getting the job of running the Trinity River Vision, due do his lack of experience. And being the son of a pork barrel loving congresswoman, who happens to represent Fort Worth. How could anyone be so mean-spirited that they could see this as scandalous nepotism and corruption?

Sure, The Vision started off as being a nice big lake, with cool signature bridges and canals. And, yes, now the lake is more of a small pond, the signature bridges are gone, I think the canals are no more.

But look what we get in place of The Vision's original vision. We get a flood diversion channel, we did not even know we needed. We get rid of those awful Trinity River Levees that have kept a large part of Fort Worth dry for years. We get inner tube floating. And the premiere wake boarding facility in the world.

Plus all sorts of amazing things are now in The Vision for Gateway Park. A couple days ago I took a picture of the amazing billboard the Trinity River Vision has installed in Gateway Park, with the billboard showing all the amazing things that The Vision is planning for the park. I'll get around to blogging that picture, soon, if I think of it.

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