Friday, October 29, 2010

Hiking The Wild West Side Of The Tandy Hills Searching For The Witchey Tree

Today I hiked the wild west side of the Tandy Hills. A location on the hills much less traveled.

I don't think I've been on the west side of the View Street main trail since January 2, when dozens of Wild Women and Manly Men, including the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie, went on a big group hike.

It is easy to find oneself off trail, meandering through the prairie, on the wild west side of the Tandy Hills.

This is the part of the Tandy Hills where Don Young claims a van went out of control, back in the 60s, killing a young woman and leaving her boy friend crippled. I may have that backwards. I have never been able to find the remains of the van or the witchey tree

Don Young seems to be a fairly credible guy, but on this Tandy Hills Legend of the Witchey Tree Halloween Story he seems a tad sketchy.

I have received some more confusing Halloween information. Sunday, October 31 is Halloween in most of the civilized world. But, due to it being a Sunday, and Dallas/Fort Worth being the Buckle of the Bible Belt, the pagan ritual of Halloween can not be practiced on Sunday, so, unless one is a practicing pagan, one does ones Halloweening in D/FW on Saturday.

I don't know how credible my latest Halloween source is. But, it sounds plausible to me. I think, just to be safe, I will do my Trick or Treating on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you aren't questioning my credibility, Sir Durango. I merely want to protect the innocent from the horrors of the Witchey Tree. Only those who are destined can find the dreaded accident scene.

    Stay tuned for an important update on the haunted tree tomorrow.
