Monday, October 11, 2010

A Health Obsessed Yankee Hiking The Tandy Hills In Texas Looking At Mixmasters, Shrines & October Wildflowers

In the picture you are on a Tandy Hill, looking west at a zoomed view of part of the Fort Worth Mixmaster, with that big blue building being Fort Worth's Convention Center Hotel. Have there been any conventions in town since that hotel opened? Fort Worth seems to have very few conventions.

When Betty Jo Bouvier comes to Fort Worth she refuses to be driven over the Fort Worth Mixmaster. Something to do with an aversion to heights.

This morning I blogged that there was a 75% chance of a Thunderstorm dropping some booms and water on us around noon. Minutes after I said that I heard from Agent cd0103 asking me where I was getting my weather forecast, telling me that her forecast was forecasting a 25% chance of heavy duty booming.

Well, Agent cd0103 was correct. Had I looked at the Fort Worth Weather Info at the bottom of my blog I would have seen the correct forecast.

After I got rid of the ever annoying WeatherBug, I got a weather plug-in for my Chrome Browser from something called Accu-Weather. Which, apparently is not very accurate.

It is October 11 and there are still wildflowers coloring up the Tandy Hills. I do not recollect this being the case in past Octobers. Nor do I recollect there being so much greenery, previously, in October.

I had not checked on Tandy Shrine II in several days. I did so today. The shrine remains firmly planted beside the Tandy Highway. Nothing has been added. But, some Shrine Vandal took Tandy Shrine II's baseball cap. Probably a disgruntled Texas Rangers fan.


  1. Shoot. I was hoping your were right so we wouldn't have to start watering the laawn.

  2. There are conventions at the Convention Center all the time. I work at the law school across the street and see them frequently. Both the Omni and Sheraton are quite busy as well.
