Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fort Worth's Tandy Hills Is Finally Getting A Sanitary Sewer Line

In the picture you are looking north on the Tandy Highway, under the canopy of the Tandy Forest in the Tandy Hills Natural Area, today, around noon.

Prior to noon today I heard from my #1 Informant about all matters Tandy. I'll refer to the Informant as DY.

DY sent me a PDF file containing disturbing information that seems to indicate the Tandy Highway is about to be disturbed, again, by the Fort Worth Water Department.

550 feet of 50 year old 6-inch clay pipe is going to be replaced by 8-inch PVC pipe.

I am a little unclear as to where this pipeline is located.

The PDF document says the location of the proposed sewer line parallels a portion of the dedicated road right-of-way which is located adjacent to an old road access for the park. Is that old road access referencing Tandy Highway?

A trench, 4 to 6 feet deep, will be, well, trenched. The City Forester (a Fort Worth city position I'd not previously heard of) has reviewed the alignment and says there will be minimal to no impact on trees in the park.

I like the subject line at the top of the document, saying in part, "Recommendation for the use of parkland for the installation of a sanitary sewer line."

Is the existing sewer line unsanitary?

It is going to be interesting to see what a big mess this turns into.

On a totally non-sanitary sewer related note. The mysterious 20 foot, or longer, metal cable, that on Tuesday had migrated part way up Tandy Mountain, has now disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. Its better than having crappy old pipe break and leak sewage into the ground.

    Once every 50 years ain't so bad, and it will probably last much longer than that.

    Although, I would think they could connect and loop around the park somehow, but its all about elevations and stuff, so maybee not.

