Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finding A Bike On Fosdic Dam & Deer Poachers

This afternoon I found myself growing weary of being a melancholy baby, so I took off for Oakland Lake Park for a hopefully hopefilled walk around Fosdic Lake. I was feeling momentarily better, and then the trail came to the east end of Fosdic Dam.

Where I saw a bike. All alone. No human in the area. It was an older bike. Why was it in this location? Did someone steal it and then decided to leave it? All it did for me was put back in the front of my consciousness something I was trying to bury.

Before going to see Fosdic Lake today I'd been up to Southlake, Hurst and Bedford. I went bike shopping at Bicycles, Inc.  Even though I do not like Bicycles, Inc.

Bikes have changed a lot since I last looked at bikes. New type brakes was a major difference.

On the way to Southlake I returned an urgent call to Tootsie Tonasket. Tootsie has gotten herself into a bit of a sticky pickle. It involves poaching a deer, false accusations, squatters, evictions and all sorts of other mayhem that is confusing to me.

Well. Miss Puerto Rico gets back to Texas around midnight. I guess I'll go over  to her place to make sure I've not forgotten to do anything I was supposed to do. Like feed the cat. Which I did forget to check on when I was over there this morning.

1 comment:

  1. its probably a homeless person's bike that has a camp nearyby
