Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Dark October 23 Morning In Texas

You are on Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, last night, looking at a very stormy sky. I was hoping to get some pictures of lightning bolts. But no predicted Thunderstorm, or even rain, materialized at my location.

Lightning bolts are predicted for today, too. I suspect I shall see none and hear no booming.

Meanwhile up in the Pacific Northwest, the first big storm of the stormy season is scheduled to hit later today, with high winds, a lot of moisture and the first big snow of the season (in the mountains, not the lowlands).

I have not heard from Miss Puerto Rico since her arrival at her home port. The last I heard was a call from San Juan during her 3 hour wait to get on a little plane to fly to Ponce.

It is 7:18 on the morning of October 23 and I am seeing no incoming illumination shooing away the darkness, thus enabling a well-lit morning swim. I suspect we are under heavy cloud cover, hence the lingering darkness.

I have no idea, other than swimming and working on webpages, what lies ahead today. The short term future will be determined by how inclement or un-inclement the weather is. If it is un-inclement, I think I will go on a bike ride.

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