Friday, October 8, 2010

Biking & Being Disturbed By 2 Abandoned Jugs At Village Creek Natural Historic Area

I am back at full function, physically, bike riding-wise. I am happy about that.

Today around noon I took my bike to Village Creek Natural Historic Area where I saw something very odd.

About a mile from the Village Creek Natural Historic Area parking lot, off Dottie Lynn Parkway, in Arlington, there sat the two gallon jugs of water you see behind my bike in the picture.

The brand was Glacier Springs. Where I am in Texas I am a long ways from the nearest glacier. Where I lived in Washington I could look out my kitchen window and see a glacier.

I digress.

Why would someone haul 2 gallons of water to this location and leave them? Something somehow seemed sinister about the lone jugs of water. But, my sense of sinister did not rise to a high enough level that I felt compelled to dial 911 to report a mysterious pair of water jugs.

That and I could not see a cop walking the mile in to check on the jugs

Change of subject.

The Scrabble Queen of Washington seems to have gone missing. The Queen of Wink is also sort of missing. I heard from Elsie Hotpepper yesterday, but she seems to be missing today.

And then there's Betty Jo Bouvier. Today she is flying over to Spokane.

Why fly, I wondered? By the time you drive to the airport, from Betty Jo's home location, where she is the Reigning Wild Woman of Woolley, you've driven a good percentage of the distance to Spokane. I suppose Betty Jo is flying out of the Bellingham Airport. That's a 35 mile drive north, before flying east to Spokane. It's about 70 miles from Betty Jo's to Sea-Tac. The North Cascades Highway, which will take you to Spokane with a road switch or two, is practically at Betty Jo's front door.

Anyway, I've got so much perplexing me this afternoon.

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