Sunday, September 12, 2010

Up Late Sunday Morning In Texas Worrying About Alzheimer's

It is Sunday morning. When I looked out my bedroom window I was appalled to see that the sun had gotten up way before me. I hate it when that happens.

I stayed up late watching the replay of the 9/11/01 events on one of the cable news stations. It was oddly mesmerizing.

While I was watching I had a very troubling moment that seemed like some sort of onslaught of Alzheimer's indicator.

I could not remember who was vice-president when George W. was president.

And then Dick Cheney was on the screen, telling his story of the evacuation of the White House.

How could I not remember that Dick Cheney was Bush's vice-president? Memory blocked due to being painful?

Yesterday when I crossed the Trinity on the Beach Street bridge, I saw the river had receded quite a bit. It is still running over the dam/bridge that makes Trinity Falls, but just barely, and the falls is back falling.

I think I may attempt a bike ride today, maybe on the Trinity Trails. But, before that happens, I am going swimming. As in, right now.

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