Thursday, September 30, 2010

Up Late On The Last Day Of September In Texas

Looking out my bedroom window with me you can see I am up after the sun on this, the last day of September of 2010.

I overdid the bike riding last night, pedaling more miles than I had intended, which had me staying up late, watching Survivor and Hell's Kitchen.

With Hell's Kitchen over stimulating me due to all the shouting, with the over stimulation having me reading til the sleep impulse kicked in, some time well after midnight.

I have only blogged 1 of the 3 pieces of blogging fodder I acquired on last night's bike ride. I will try and get to the other 2 this morning.

In the meantime I am not going swimming this morning. Cutting the swimming will get me back some of the time I lost by not getting up at my usual early hour.

I do believe I will escape from here some time around noon to hike on the Tandy Hills. They should be dried out by now. I hope.

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