Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Up Late On The Ides Of September In Texas Thinking About My Big Sister's Happy Birthday

I am up just slightly before the sun this morning of September 15, the Ides of September, the month already half gone.

Today is my big sister's birthday. Happy Birthday big sister. I think she is 39 today. My big sister has become my littler sister of late, due to shrinking.

If I remember right I aggravated my big sister a few years back when I remarked that I weighed less than any of the adult Jones females. I think that may have aggravated all the adult Jones females. Although, all the adult Jones females did not hear me make that remark. <

But. I was widely reported.

It is only 73 this morning. Not quite BRRRR territory, but very pleasant open the windows and turn off the A/C territory.

I am really enjoying my sunset bike rides. Well, so far. There have only been two. Last night's brought some disturbing sights to my long-suffering eyes. I'll likely blog about that when I need a break from visiting the Texas Gulf Coast.

In the meantime I am going swimming before it gets much brighter out there.

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