Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sushi & Squirrels At Village Creek Natural Historic Area

No, that is not my bike sitting out on my patio. It is my bike sitting on the patio overlook on the Village Creek Pond.

The Village Creek Pond rose above the railing in the recent flood, leaving behind a lot of grassy debris stuck in the railings, some of which is of the vine sort that has now sprouted pink flowers.

Yes, I know, I went on a sunset bike ride last night at River Legacy Park. Why would I be back on my bike again today?

Well, the past three days I have spent a lot of time in Austin. Every once in awhile I need a break. So, today, at noon, the break was biking at Village Creek Natural Historic Area and the Pioneer Trail of the Bob Findlay Linear Park.

There was a surprising number of bikers biking today.

The only animals I saw, besides humans, were one turtle in the Village Creek Pond and one very squirrely squirrel that waited til the last second to make a dart for my bike's front wheel. I've decided to stop trying to avoid hitting the little monsters, because that is going to cause me a bike wreck. So far I have not ridden over one, but today was close.

Currently I am in I am stuffed with sushi mode. The sushi I got at Town Talk yesterday turned out to be about the tastiest sushi I remember tasting. But. There was way too much of it.

I may have to go on a sunset hike on the Tandy Hills tonight to work off this load of sushi. In the meantime I think I am going to San Antonio.

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