Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunset At River Legacy Park With Armadillos, Flat Tires & No Homeless People

I am back from my sunset bike ride at River Legacy Park.

I saw some remnants of the flood, mostly some dried mud on the pavement, but other than that, and the closed mountain bike trail, River Legacy Park is back up and running.

With an awful lot of people back up and running and blading and biking and walking.

The soccer field, that a week ago was under several feet of water, tonight had dozens of feet on top of it playing soccer.

I have never seen so many bikes on the River Legacy paved trail. It felt congested at times.

I liked it.

Unlike the Trinity Trails in Fort Worth, tonight I saw no apparent homeless people on the River Legacy Trails.

I was not able to get good sunset pictures tonight, not like I was able to while pedaling the Trinity Trails the past couple nights. Why? I am not sure. It might have something to do with way more trees interfering with a direct shot.

I did not see a single firefly. But, I did have an armadillo encounter of the very quick kind, so quick, he or she, was gone before I could get my camera aimed at it. I was glad to see the little guy or girl had survived the flood.

A hapless soul had a flat at about the 6 mile mark. I saw him trying to fix it on my way out. On the way back I passed him walking his bike. So, I slowed to pedal beside the guy and empathize with his pain. I had to walk my bike out from that location once, in 100 plus degree heat. I called for rescue and was met at Collins Street. This guy had it way better, due to it being way cooler. Like barely 90.

There were a surprising number of solo bikers of the fit female persuasion tonight.

I tell you. A small, yet significant, percentage of Texans are getting themselves in shape. Did I mention River Legacy Park is in Arlington, one of the towns at the top of the Men's Health list of towns being way too busy with adult procreative activities? It helps to be in good shape for such things. I think Arlington is aiming to be near the top of the Men's Health upcoming list of the Fittest Towns in America.

I am trying to do my part. Even though I live in Fort Worth. Where it is pretty hopeless to get on any sort of most fit list.

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