Saturday, September 11, 2010

Recalling 9/11 From My Patio Prison Cell In Texas

I am up well before the sun, looking out from the bar of my patio prison cell on September 11, 2010.

It seems so recent, but in a couple hours it will be 9 years since I got a call from Big Ed in Dallas, telling me that he just saw a plane crash into the World Trade Center.

I thought he was talking about the World Trade Center in Dallas and the plane must have been heading to or from nearby Love Field.

I do not ever remember being as shocked as I was that morning when I turned the TV on right when the second plane was hitting the second tower, in New York City, not Dallas.

I sat stunned at what I was seeing. When I realized that America was under attack I decided I should wake up people on the West Coast. I don't remember who I called first. I do remember waking up Wanda and Wally, in Seattle. All I said was you need to get out of bed and turn on your TV. By the time I called my sister, who now lives in Arizona, she was already awake and about to go tell my mom and dad what was happening.

So much has happened since 9/11 of 2001, much of it bad. In the days that followed that day, 9 years ago, if someone had predicted that 9 years later Osama bin Laden would still not be captured and that America's President's name in 2010 would be Obama, well, that would have seemed very unlikely.

I hope 9/11/2010 is a very very uneventful day today.

If the sun ever lights up the place I'm heading to the pool.

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