Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pedaling At Sunset In Fort Worth Past The Trinity Trail Homeless People

I started pedaling before 7. It really was not as dark as this picture would make you think. In the picture I've just left Gateway Park, crossed the Trinity River on the Dam/Bridge that was flooded, a week ago today, pedaled up to the top of the levee and stopped because the sun was doing some interesting lighting that I thought might make an interesting photo.

Yesterday I came up 5 homeless people walking on the Trinity Trail. Two pairs and one guy solo. I was hoping today to see no homeless people.

Continuing on, in a mile or two I came to a flock of swan-like birds, floating in the Trinity River. I assumed they got the memo from J.D. Granger that the Tarrant Regional Water Board has been working successfully for decades to turn the formerly polluted Trinity River into super clean water, safe to swim and inner tube in.

In the above picture I'm the furthest I made it on tonight's sunset bikeride, to the west side of the I-35 Freeway, a short distance from the Fort Worth Stockyards, which, if I remember right, is a couple more miles of pedaling. That shelter in the foreground is a water oasis.

The above is what I saw when I turned around from the view of the I-35 Freeway and the water oasis, two of the more, uh, interesting, downtown Fort Worth Skyscrapers, peeking up above a line of trees.

Now the homeless person report.

I saw none wandering the Trinity Trails. However, under the Riverside Drive Bridge there was a group of 5 or 6. On my way out, one asked, as I pedaled by, "How's it go'in, man?" I said, "fine."

On the return two of the under the bridge homeless people appeared to be sleeping. None of those still awake howdied me as I passed.

There were a couple females pedaling tonight on the Trinity Trails and one jogging. I would think that group under the bridge might make a girl a bit nervous. I'm not a girl and they made me nervous. The scene had a sort of post-apocalyptic look to it. Blade Runner in Fort Worth.

I'm liking my sunset bike rides. Except for the homeless people part. That and the giant flying things that hit me. Tonight I think I may have been slammed by a bat. Whatever it was, it was big.

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