Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Mysterious Tandy Hills Baseball Cap

Except for going swimming early this morning I was trapped indoors until I escaped, finally around 5 this afternoon. Around 3:30 I tried to log in to Facebook to play Scrabble to exercise the dormant side of my brain.

But, Facebook was in system crash/down mode. I then blogged about the Facebook woe and a couple minutes after that I found that my blog was on fire with hits from distraught Facebook users all over the world.

I really don't get the attraction of Facebook. Except for Scrabble. Did these people who are so dependent on Facebook not have an email network before Facebook came along?

Anyway, when I escaped here I went to Town Talk and got sushi and then headed to the Tandy Hills to do me some hiking. It was very breezy and very pleasant.

Tandy Shrine II has now had a baseball cap added to its eastern horn. I do not know if this is some sort of tribute to the Texas Rangers, or what.

Above you can see the newly added baseball cap on its horn perch. This new shrine has survived several days now, without toppling over.

I pay no attention to baseball unless I happen upon it accidentally. One of those accidents happened yesterday when someone told me that the Texas Rangers are doing well and are heading to either the World Series or the playoffs or both. And that Seattle beat the Rangers a couple days ago, which was a bit of a damper, due, apparently, to the Seattle Mariners being a bottom dwelling losing team.

I have gone to a Texas Rangers game, a few years back. They were playing Seattle. I was more interested in checking out the Ballpark in Arlington. I think I lasted til the 7th inning when I could take it no more.

It is time for some sushi now. You can get sushi at the Seattle Mariner's Safeco Field ballpark. Can you get sushi at the Ballpark in Arlington?

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