Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mom Calls About A Hurricane Hermine Generated Tornado In Dallas

Last night my mom called. No, mom had not gotten gas and was not calling me to tell me how much it cost.

Mom and dad were watching the news where mention was made of the Hurricane Hermine related flooding we were experiencing here in North Texas.

A tornado touching down and doing damage in Dallas was the main thing mom was concerned about. That is the Dallas Tornado in the picture.

I had not heard of a tornado touching down in Dallas. I don't think I had the TV on yesterday. Or a radio. So, I was a little surprised to see the pictures of the tornado damage in Dallas in the Dallas Morning News this morning.

Several tornadoes twisted to the ground yesterday morning during that torrential downpour. But none anywhere near my location. I don't remember the last time I've heard the tornado sirens.

We have had a significant amount of drying. So, I think I can make my way to the pool this morning. I am in need of some aerobic stimulation.

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