Thursday, September 9, 2010

Late In The Afternoon View In Texas From My Patio Thinking About My New Nephew JD & Old Nephew Joey

Of late I take a picture in the morning of the view from my patio or bedroom window and then blog about the view from my patio or bedroom window. This serves to wake up my dormant brain cells.

But, this morning I decided to opt for doing something wildly different and not blog about the morning view from my patio or bedroom window.

Instead, you are looking at the late afternoon, as in about a quarter before 5 view from my patio. I had to shield my camera from a few incoming wet droplets, but other than that, it is fairly nice out there.

I rather enjoyed my morning swim, this morning. I aborted the morning swim yesterday due to torrential rains making the trek to the pool too treacherous.

This morning I flipped open my phone to see that nephew Joey had called last night. I called Joey back, but on the first try I hit "Joely" rather than "Joey". Then I was unsure if it was "Joey" or "Joely" whose call I had missed. It was Joey. But I got Joey's voice mail. I'm guessing Joey was calling to see if I survived Hurricane Hermine and her tornadoes and floods.

If I talk to Joey I must remember to tell him he has a new cousin. And I have a new nephew. Today Jay David Jones officially became a member of the Jones clan. Jay David will be called JD, I am sure. There is no notoriety attached to being called JD up in Washington, unlike these parts of Texas I am currently settled in.

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