Monday, September 13, 2010

It Is Another Early Monday Morning In Texas With Eleanor Grigby & Alligators

The bright white light we are looking at this morning from my patio is not the sun arriving to light up the place. The bright white light is a bright white light lighting up an Albertson's parking lot.

However, the sun is scheduled to arrive soon and drown out the bright white Albertson's light on this early Monday morning of September 13. I hope.

I had odd dreams last night. Very calm odd dreams. Mostly involving Eleanor Grigby arriving to provide me rescue from being stuck in a house with people I did not want to be stuck with. And then the Eleanor Grigby rescue itself starting to be something from which I needed rescue.

I saw YouTube video on the DORBA (Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association) website last night of the incoming flood at River Legacy. The YouTuber had walked into the park as the flood waters rose. At that point in time the barrier I saw yesterday must not have been in place, because I did not see how one could get around that barrier.

The water in the YouTube video was surprisingly clear. There were an amazing number of fish of various sizes. The YouTuber made the point, in text, that this is how an odd collection of fish and critters end up in the River Legacy Park ponds. Like an Alligator Gar, or two, may be left behind by this latest floods. Or an Alligator of the reptilian sort, or two.

I don't know why, but the River Legacy Flood YouTuber opted to disable the embed option on his videos. So, I can't show them to you here.

On a totally different, yet somewhat related subject, in the next week a Trinity Trash Bash will take place. This is when a large group of volunteers picks ups ton upon ton of trash lining the Trinity River banks. The recent flood has turned this into an extremely daunting task.

The sun has arrived. I am going swimming now.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of tubes and rivers:

    They should do it soon, while the river is up. And the snakes are stirring.
