Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In-N-Out Burger Bringing Double Double Burgers To Fort Worth

That is a quartet of In-N-Out Burger Double Double Burgers in the picture.

I have only had an In-N-Out Burger Double Double Burger once. It was during a 10 hour layover in Phoenix. I'd been drug to a Happy Hour where way too many appetizers were consumed.

And then on to In-N-Out Burger where I had 2 Double Double Burgers. By the time I buckled my seat belt on the plane I felt like I might explode on take-off.

The In-N-Out Burger Double Double Burger is the tastiest hamburger I have ever tasted.

So, I was quite pleased to read on the Facebook pages of one of Fort Worth's favorite Town Gossips, Bud Kennedy, that an In-N-Out Burger is coming to Fort Worth, with this news confirmed this morning in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

The Fort Worth In-N-Out Burger is scheduled to open in mid-July, of 2011, at the northwest corner of West 7th and Currie Streets.

This will put In-N-Out Burger close to the Fort Worth burger icon called Kincaid's. I wonder what Kincaid's aficionados are going to think of getting a taste of a really good burger? I've had a Kincaid's burger twice, thinking both times why does this blah burger get such high local accolades? Methinks it may be an emperor has no clothes type thing, all the sheep going along with pretending that Kincaid's makes a good burger. When they don't.

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