Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Greenest Summer I've Ever Seen Is In North Texas

Nary a cloud in the sky above the Tandy Hills today. The humidity has dropped under 50%, so it is being not quite so muggy. That and a slight breeze helps.

Is this the greenest summer in North Texas history? I've not been here all that long, but it is the greenest summer in my short North Texas history.

I thought I'd be more snake vigilant after my recent encounter with a 6 foot long version of the creature God used to tempt Eve to eat an apple.

But today I was lost in thought, walking across a trail wannabe, when the thought crossed my mind that I needed to be reptile vigilant.

I got my first vote for my run at being mayor of Fort Worth today. Very encouraging.

I believe River Legacy Park has re-opened. The mountain bike trail is a mess that will require a lot of time to restore. However, I believe the paved trail is back functioning. I think this may be the location of my sunset bikeride tonight.

Maybe I will be able to get a picture or two of a firefly or two.

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