Monday, September 13, 2010

An Early Evening Bike Ride With The Alligators & Jackrabbits At Fort Worth's Quanah Parker Park

I had myself a frustrating, annoying afternoon, all computer related.

On the way back here from the Tandy Hills today I saw that Quanah Parker Park has re-opened, recovered from that recent Hurricane Hermine unpleasantness which had flooded the park, forcing its closure.

So, about 6 o'clock I got the urge to roll. And so I did.

Quanah Parker Park is the park closest to my abode. A couple miles distant. Or less. The paved trail winds through Trinity River floodland. Obviously. The trail circles around a large pond. That pond has been re-charged by the recent flooding.

You can see the flood rejuvenated pond in the picture above, with the sun starting to make its slow move to set. I would not be too shocked if an alligator or two has taken up residence in the Quanah Parker Park Pond.

Due to there being a big supply of rabbits to feed on.

I've not seen so many rabbits scurrying about since years ago in Washington Park in Anacortes in Washington.

Years ago, when my nephews, Joey and Christopher, were about 7, they decided they were going to catch one of the critters at what they called Bunny Park. I think their trap was inspired by a cartoon. Basically a stick holding up a box, with the stick attached to a long string and the trap baited with carrots.

Those two played rabbit hunters for well over an hour before they finally gave up and just started chasing them. Last time I was in Washington Park, in 2004, I saw no bunnies. I'd heard there had been a bunny removal program due to the numbers growing too big.

I biked the Quanah Parker Trail for about an hour, back and forth between the Quanah Parker Park parking lot and Chesapeake Energy Operation, at the west terminus and then back to the trail's end, at the east end.

By the time I was done the sun was in full retreat.

We are looking west, obviously, in the picture, from the Quanah Parker Park parking lot, at a line of trees above the Trinity River with the sun hanging above, along with some clouds.

I think I may make a habit of this evening bike ride thing. It seems quite salubrious and fits in with my plan to get in better shape and live a healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get TOO carried away with this healthy stuff. It's not healthy!
