Monday, September 20, 2010

A Beautiful Sunset With Bugs At River Legacy Park

I am back from my sunset bike ride at River Legacy Park. I'm feeling back to normal after my abnormal morning caused by Sunday night saloon hopping.

There were way more people on the River Legacy Trail tonight than on Saturday. This surprised me.

The paved trail has a center line. You are supposed to stay on the right, unless you are passing some slowpoke.

I zoomed under the Collins Street bridge at high speed. The trail takes a sharp right after you come out from under the bridge, and then a sharp left.

Well, I was going too fast and crossed over the center line, just as a girl was nearing the turn, for her, to the right. She panicked, I was quickly back on the right side, but in her over-reaction she about caused a wreck. Which, I guess, would have been my fault.

In tonight's sunset picture you can almost make out that the sun is being reflected in a big pond of water. There are several big ponds of water, or mini-lakes along the River Legacy Park Trail.

I got zapped by so many no-see-um flies swarming into me tonight, I had their little black carcasses all over me. This required an immediate fly cleansing shower when I got back here. These annoying bugs are the only thing annoying me about riding my bike.


  1. My dad used to talk about no-see-ums and we thought it was really funny. So there is such a thing??? I don't think we have no-see-ums in Washington, do we?

  2. Betty Jo, I have "seen" no-see-ums in Washington. They are little black bugs that fly is cloud-like swarms.
