Monday, August 2, 2010

Up Way Before The Texas 106 Degree Sun This 2nd Day Of August

I was real tired real early Sunday night. I think going for a second swim during the HOTTEST part of a very HOT day did me in.

So, going to bed early got me up early, as in very early, this 2nd day of August. I've been up since 3.

It is now half past 4. I have a while to go before the sun starts to turn the light on.

Looking down at the pool this morning it looks real inviting. I think I'll turn off the lights and go swimming under the moonlight.

Overnight the National Weather Service seems to have decided to turn up the temperature for today and tomorrow. To 106.

106 seems to be getting into the territory of being seriously HOT. Then again, yesterday it was 119 in Baghdad. So, it could be worse.


  1. Are you sure that is a hot tub on the right side of your pool or is it a giant bee hive?

  2. The bee hive is above the hot tub.
