Sunday, August 22, 2010

Up Late After Being Up Late Going Swimming Then To Gilmer Texas

Two days in a row, up late the night before getting up late, as in up after the sun this Sunday August 22 morning.

As you can see, I've not quite made it out to the table on my patio to sip my morning coffee.

I had myself a nicely tiring day Saturday, with 2 long bouts in the pool plus one long bout on the Tandy Hills.

And one long bout, Saturday night, at Miss Puerto Rico's.

I think I may have had one or two too many adult libations last night. I do not like it when I have one or two too many adult libations.

I will not be having one or two too many adult libations today. I may be going to the Tandy Hills again. I will be swimming in a few minutes. I will be grilling some Cornish Game Hens and making a Fire-Roasted Eggplant Casserole this morning.

And I think I'll be taking a virtual visit to the Piney Woods town of Gilmer where they have an annual festival called Yamboree to celebrate the Sweet Potato.

I like Sweet Potatoes.

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