Friday, August 13, 2010

Up Early In Texas Looking For Perseid Meteors On Friday the 13th On 14th Day In A Row Over 100

I am up early this Friday the 13th. Starting the day off with a bit of bad luck as I tipped my coffee cup sending coffee onto my computer keyboard.

After drying the keyboard I took my coffee out on the patio where it does not matter if I spill it, to see if I could see any incoming Perseid Meteors showering.

You are looking at this morning's dark view from my patio. All I could see was a star, or two, twinkling dimly in the polluted sky. No meteors.

Today is the 13th and yesterday was the 13th day in a row over 100 in North Texas, tied for the 10th longest streak of 100 degree days in North Texas history.

A couple more days of over 100 are predicted before a chance of a cold front blowing in might keep the temperature in the 90s on Sunday.

The all time record for 100 degree days was set in 1980, with 42 days in a row over 100. August of 1980 was the first time I was ever in North Texas, staying in Fort Worth, near where I live now, at what was then a Ramada Inn at the Beach Street exit, due west of what I now know as the Tandy Hills. I was driving a Toyota with no A/C. Had you told me in 1980 that less than 20 years later I would be living here, I would have said no way in hell would that happen.

I wonder what fresh bad luck awaits me on this Friday the 13th? I am going to the lukewarm pool in a few minutes. I hope nothing unlucky happens to me in that endeavor.

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