Thursday, August 26, 2010

Up Early In Chilly Texas On The Last August Thursday Of 2010

I am up way before the sun, this last Thursday of August. It is a very dark morning, which caused the camera's flash to go off, lighting up the tree. I could see the moon trying to glow through the cloud cover. A picture of that did not work out.

I felt the chill that arrives after the A/C turns on, about 2 this morning. I got up, turned it off and opened windows.

It is currently 71, the low so far for the night. Today the high is predicted to get to 90, the low, 65.

I think the pool will feel cool to me this morning. I'll check that out as soon as the sun wakes up and illuminates the place.

I may go shopping for a new bike today. I do not like shopping for a new bike. It is not as annoying as shopping for a new car, but close.

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