Friday, August 20, 2010

Marfa's Somaphx Has A Blog With Fascinating Subjects

You are looking at a resident of Marfa named Somaphx in the picture. Somaphx lives in a cave in Marfa. Marfa is known for its mysterious Marfa Lights.

I first met Somaphx in late May. She made a comment or two on my blog. Somaphx may have emailed me, too. I don't remember.

I remember Somaphx telling me she wanted to start up a blog, but that doing so got her computer all riled up. So, she thought that in lieu of a blog, commenting on my blog would be the Somaphx blogging experience.


Today I found that Somaphx did go ahead and do a blog. It is called "Odd Blogs: Perfect Infinitives & Serendipitous Convergence."

Somaphx has written one post on her blog, dated June 1. Much of what Somaphx wrote referenced me and this very blog you are reading.

Some excerpts from the incredibly insightful, incredibly intelligent, Somaphx blog....

"I accidentally wandered into this site last week, searching for the City of Marfa's Noise Ordinance (I don't believe we have one, many street signs, either) and found myself somewhere in the stacks inside Durango Texas' substantial internet library, where I spent the next two days...."

"Durango, Texas is nowhere near Marfa. And Durango is an actual dude -- not aboding in Durango -- whose name just happens to be Durango. And in Texas, not Colorado. And he just happens to be from Washington in the visually spectacular Pacific Northwest, where I have family...."

"And, he jumped orbits in 1999, the same year my Houston-Marfa exodus saved my life. Now I know you're thinking an in-state move hardly constitutes an "orbit jump" such as Durango's Odyssey, but trust me on the sunscreen: Twenty-two years in Oiltown, pop. 4,000,000 (anyone know the post-Katrina numbers?), 600 miles into the Far West Texas Borderland Vortex of Strange is a million miles from home (more on these triangular phenomena in future episodes). Six hundred miles in any direction in this state ain't nothin'."

"On Thursday, I open Durango's pink-flower post, and there are my flowers, blooming on a Tandy Hill I've neither seen nor heard of. His closeup photograph was stunning; took my breath away. Century's Lady. Lovely. Perfect infinitive. That Tandy Hill has a place of distinction on my places-of-longing list."

I don't know what has become of Somaphx. Marfa is West of the Pecos. When you live past the frontier, miles past were civilization ends, well, you can go missing and it can take a long time for anyone to notice.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog! I actually love how it is easy on my eyes and also the facts are well written. I am wondering how I may be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which must do the trick! Have a nice day!
