Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hiking Hot At Village Creek Thinking About Getting Obese To Keep Cool

In the picture I'm in the shade, lifting my shades to look at you, while in the Village Creek Natural Historic Area around noon.

I had planned to go get HOT on the Tandy Hills today, but at noon it was Dead Calm out there. No cooling breeze.

Going to Village Creek was a good choice because even there, with a lot of shade, I overheated. sort of. I likely would have suffered a heatstroke on the noon Tandy Hills, had I gone there today.

I put 5 bottles of water in the freezer this morning. It did not take long for them to thaw. The bulges in my cargo pant shorts are my supply of water bottles. If my heavy drinking problem continues I may have to drag out my water bladder that I never liked using when mountain biking.

Today I recollected the last time I was involved in an activity up close to an obese person, with the temperatures in the low 80s, the obese person did not sweat, did not think it was hot, while I did both, sweated and thought it felt hot.

So, now I'm wondering if I've been wrong, like I often am, in thinking that obese people must really get hot, being under those thick blankets of fat. Instead, does the thick blanket of fat insulate obese people from the heat? Is this why I see so many people in Texas who choose to be ultra-fat? They're just trying to keep cool?

I'm currently at my skinniest in 2 years, skinnier than when I was in Washington 2 summers ago. Is this why I seem to be so easily overheated on these mild Texas days of barely 100 degrees?

While it would be nice to stay cooler, I really don't think I want to lard on 100 pounds to do so. The heat stifles my appetite. I really don't think I could manage to eat enough to add 100 pounds. I've seen what obese people go through to get to that state of cooling obesity. It is almost non-stop eating. And when not eating, time is spent worrying about what to eat next.

All morning long, ever since I got up around 5, I've had one annoying computer problem after another. I finally got the system all calmed down and then Elsie Hotpepper asked me to do something. This quickly turned into a boondoggle of my own making. Eventually I was able to get done what Elsie wanted done. And then I had to get away from looking at a computer.

And now I'm back at it again. Trying to get 4 webpages made.

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