Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cowboy Durango On His Horse In Texas

I am finding all sorts of pictures today that I'd forgotten existed.

Like this one with me on a horse, at my first location in Texas, in this hamlet in far north Fort Worth, called Haslet. The mail box was in Fort Worth, the house was in Haslet.

There were 3 horses available for riding that lived on the ranch. I had no idea, til living with horses, that they were way more high maintenance than any human I've known. And I've known some extremely high maintenance humans.

Like the one who owned the horses.

My last time on a horse was July 4 of 2000. It did not go well. Short version is a carrot was left in the barn. The horse wanted that carrot. No amount of direction, from me, could stop that horse from heading back to that carrot. Eventually this turned scary with the horse trying to enter the barn via a side entry that really had no room for my legs.

Blessings of flexibility, acquired from years of yoga, I was able to contort myself into a position that did not cause my legs to get ripped off.

I have not been on a horse since. Nor will I ever again. I have never understood why riding a horse is something anyone would want to do after mechanical means of transport were invented.


  1. The photo gives away your non-horse beliefs...picture is a thousand words. I don't think you knew me when I had a horse, had lots of fun horseback riding.

  2. I've only ridden a horse thrice and each time ended in the beast being happy and me on my rump! I prefer walking...

  3. CT2---I have never had a successful time on a horse. The final incident was basically an equine murder attempt that nearly succeeded. I shall never get on one of those beasts again.
