Sunday, August 1, 2010

103 The Predicted High In My Zone Of Texas For The 1st Day of August

I aimed my camera towards the pool again this morning, instead of towards the sky. You may be able to intuit from the fact that there appears to be more light than yesterday's photo of the pool, that on this first day of August I slept in til about the time the sun woke up.

The National Weather Service is claiming that the next couple days will be the HOTTEST of the year, so far, with today hitting 103.

Currently, at a little before 7 in the morning, it is a relatively chilly 78.9. So, even though today may end up being the HOTTEST day of the year, currently I have my windows open and my A/C off.

I'm not quite sure what I am doing today. I think I may go to Chinatown in Arlington. And I have a couple more places I want to virtually visit on the Texas Gulf Coast.

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