Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Visiting South Padre Island, Cheap ALDI Milk, Fosdic Lake Shade & Tootsie Tonasket Raids

I don't remember when I got up this morning. I do remember going swimming. The water has become colder. I'm starting to think we aren't going to have any real 100 degree days here, except for those muggy humidity caused Heat Index 100 degree plus days.

This morning I took a virtual trip to South Padre Island. I'd not been there before. I believe this is where Elsie Hotpepper goes whenever she's got a hankering to find a new husband.

Around noon I went north to Southlake, then south to Hurst. Since I was in Hurst I went to ALDI. Milk is now $1.19 a gallon. What is happening to the price of milk? Are cows being milkier?

A little after 3 this afternoon I decided I needed outdoor exposure, so I headed to Oakland Lake Park to gaze out at Fosdic Lake from my favorite shaded picnic table. Gusts of wind made it quite pleasant, though a couple times I lost control of the items I had spread in front of me, like notebooks, books, camera cases and a cell phone.

Tootsie Tonasket called me during my picnic table commune with nature. Tootsie is an entrepreneur at heart. But her ideas on how to make money can be a bit dicey at times. Without being at all detailed, suffice to say that Tootsie is pondering whether a certain Nevada business model might find success in Washington. I told Tootsie I thought not.

Tootsie and her tribe have been cleared of all charges regarding that deer poaching incident that led to a raid on Tootsie's tribe, with all arrested and hauled off to jail except for Tonasket Tribe Leader, Tootsie. I don't remember if I mentioned this incident on this blog, it may have been on my Washington Blog that I blogged about this shocking scandal.

I'll go see if I can find the blogging about the Tootsie Tonasket Raid.

Okay, I see there were two bloggings about the bad doings in Tonasket...

Okanogan Sheriff Gestapo Stormtroopers Terrorize Tonasket Washington Family


Tootsie Gets Raided by the Tonasket Gestapo Stormtroopers Again

I've had myself a day, I should be more tired than I am. I likely will sleep well tonight and get up real early and do it all over again tomorrow, creature of habit that I be.

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