Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Virtual Tripping To Seattle's Fishermen's Terminal To Chinook's At Salmon Bay With Some Womenfolk

Right about this time, 2 years ago, I was making a tired arrival in Seattle with a very sore throat, hoping the clear, good smelling air of the Pacific Northwest would have my damaged by Barnett Shale respiratory system back quickly working. It didn't work out that way. I had a sore throat for the next 2 weeks.

So, yesterday I had been instructed to make a surprise visit to Seattle, to go to Chinook's at Salmon Bay at the Seattle Fishermen's Terminal, with the instructions coming from Betty Jo Bouvier, aka the Wild Woman of Woolley. Miss Linda R., who I'd not seen in many a year, though I have talked to her on the phone, since I've seen her in person, was to be there.

Linda R. is very reclusive, well, actually busy. She is hard to get to agree on a meeting time. Or so I've been told. It has been years since I tried to get her to meet me anywhere. That is Linda R. on the left, with Betty Jo in the middle.

You may recognize the third one in the trio if you watch LOST closely. Bethenny Jane. That's her Internet stage name. That I just made up.

Betty Jo just emailed me this picture, taken yesterday, asking me "Well...where were you???"

I was going to say I didn't know why she was asking me that, since it was I who took the picture. Then I realized that made no sense since it was Betty Jo who sent it to me, so obviously I did not take it.

Now, you Texas people looking at this picture, who have said to me it always rains in Seattle, but who have never been there, make note of the lack of clouds in the sky.

You in Fort Worth reading this, make note of the Town Lake that the fishing boats are floating on. The Town Lake is called Salmon Bay. Salmon Bay is connected to the Ship Canal and Ballard Locks which connect Puget Sound with Lake Union and Lake Washington.

I do not know how all these manmade water projects came to be. They are quite large. And don't involve any flood control, except for controlling the water in the Ballard Locks. I'm fairly certain none of it was the result of any Vision, Pork Barrel Earmarks, or a local Congresswoman's son being put in charge to build the project, with no experience doing such a thing.

If I've said it once, I've said it twice, Texas, well, Fort Worth, is like a whole different country from the one I used to live in.

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