Friday, July 2, 2010

Texas Downpour Aborted Walk Turns Wet At Town Talk & Then Wetter

I'd intended to go to Oakland Lake Park again, today, to walk around Fosdic Lake, on the way taking a picture of a bizarre billboard that I see on Bridge Street, over and over again.

I'll get to the bizarre billboard later.

When I stopped to take the billboard picture, what had been a few small drops of rain turned into a Texas-size Downpour.

So, I had no choice but abort the plan to walk around Fosdic Lake. Instead I drove through the treacherous downpour to Town Talk.

Last week, when I mentioned Town Talk, former Fort Worth native, now exiled in the Seattle zone, MLK, a fan of Town Talk, asked for some Town Talk pictures.

So, I took a picture of the front of Town Talk looking through my windshield at the downpour. I ran real fast to get into the store. I still got drenched. This made the walk-in cooler cooler than usual.

I got some good Town Talk stuff. Like the giant loaves of Artisan Bread showed up again.

When I left Town Talk it was downpouring harder than when I entered.

I drive slow in a Texas Downpour. You never know when you are going to hit a deep pocket of water.

By the time I got to my abode location it was raining even harder. I felt no alternative was available to me, but to wait it out. Yes, I did have an umbrella with me. But I find those really of little use in a Heavy Downpour.

You are looking at the view through my windshield of the downpour. It was being really loud. That brown thing you see, sort of in the middle of the picture, is my picnic table. As you can see, it is pretty much a lush jungle here. So many people have the erroneous idea that all of Texas is a parched brown desert.

I think I waited maybe 15 minutes for some respite from the downpour. Finally it let up enough to make a mad dash for it. I gathered up my stuff and ran. Fast.

When the sidewalk that leads to my pool came into view I was appalled to see it flooding, making a big muddy mess.

This latest downpour has now let up. As in stopped.

Summer, here in Texas, so far, is being like spring, in Texas, used to be. I'm sort of ready for the climate to change back to the way it used to be.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the photo. I used to live at Hillside Apartments, on E 4th, (look for the stargazer lillys-I dug them up from a vacant lot there and planted in my yard, to the right of the door and they are still there last time I drove by) and I loved going to Town Talk.

    Thanks so much! Raining here in WA. Bah humbug.
