Friday, July 2, 2010

Sleepwalking Through Another Semi-Chilly July Day In Texas

I was up before the sun was, again, this second day of July. You are looking at the view from my patio a short time later. With the sun starting to brighten up the place.

It is only 78 out there right now, so I've got the windows open with a pleasant breeze blowing in. I do not recollect being able to do this in July, in Texas, before.

I believe I had a sleepwalking incident last night where I switched my A/C to heat mode. In the morning I back off the A/C and turn off the fan. But, this morning when I turned the A/C knob, I could not turn the fan off.

And then I thought I smelled something like a candle burning. Followed by perceiving heat. I went back to thermostat and saw that the COOL lever had been moved to HEAT. So, when I cranked the A/C dial to 90, rather than turning off the A/C, it turned on the heater to heat this place to 90.

Worst sleepwalking incident since I found myself down at the pool, at 3am, with no swimming suit to be found.

Speaking of swimming and missing swimming suits, I found another swimming suit that I was able to wear for my morning swim. A very long swim.

The Dallas/Fort Worth forecast, today, is for a chance of rain and thunderstorms. Again. Followed by the same tomorrow. And the same for the 4th of July. And the same the 4 days following the 4th of July.

So far, basically, here in Texas, I'm getting to experience a Pacific Northwest summer without having to go to the hassle of flying up there. I suspect this will soon change. I hope.

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