Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sitting On A Fort Worth Picnic Table Pondering Mel Gibson & Other Things

With it being nearly 100 and with me already having had sufficient aerobic stimulation, early this morning, via swimming, plus I found myself doing a lot of walking in Hurst today, I decided to forego my daily constitutional of a vigorous walk.

Have I ever mentioned my walking inspiration is President Harry S Truman. He was a big advocate of a daily walk. When he was President, and after, Harry amused himself by giving press conferences while walking, forcing the news guys to try and keep up with him.

Today I needed to do me some pondering. So, I decided to go to Oakland Lake Park and sit on my favorite picnic table and do some pondering, writing my pondering on a notepad. What I'm
pondering is upgrading my Eyes on Texas website. I spend little time on it, yet it renders returns far in excess of the blogs I spend more time on. Hence the need to ponder.

When I got to my pondering spot I was a bit vexed to see a gang of hoodlums, well, teenagers, who looked to be up to no good. They were within earshot of my favorite picnic table. And I could smell whatever it was they were smoking, which was sort of ruining the fresh air thing I was going for.

That is my favorite picnic table on the right. A drainage ditch runs under it. Maybe the proper terminology is little creek, not ditch.

After about 10 minutes of enduring the hoodlums I decided to drop my no walk decision and walk to the other side of Fosdic Lake. There I found a peaceful picnic table in the shade. And a lot of birds of various feathers flocking together seeking relief from the heat in the shade.

Despite the HEAT there were quite a few people out enjoying it. The wind made the HEAT totally easy to take, particularly when under shade. As I sat and pondered I saw one couple arrive in a bright red car. As the female half exited the car I could tell she was in tiff mode. Not shouting, but she was giving him the talk to the hand signal. I watched them go their separate ways, then him come back looking for her, not realizing she was sitting on a bench on Fosdic Dam.

As I watched all these people having fun, in various ways, at Oakland Lake Park, like the guy fishing with his dog, and the BBQers, it occurred to me that every single one of the people I saw was way happier than Mel Gibson.

Mel Gibson could be anywhere he wanted to be in the world. He has the resources to do anything he wants. Instead he is profoundly unhappy and possible insane. Have you listened to the Mel Gibson tapes? They are ear popping.

I have been exposed to a ranting psychotic a couple times. Sadly the same person was doing the ranting both times. And I exposed myself to that again? That does not speak well to my judgment. Anyway, that ranting that I was subjected to only lasted about a half a minute. Mel Gibson goes on and on and on. Why is he not in jail?

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