Monday, July 19, 2010

Perplexed By Danger Low Water Crossing on Village Creek Today

Due to Sunday's unexpected extremely wet downpour I didn't think the Tandy Hills would be a good plan for my daily endorphin fix.

So, it was back to Village Creek Natural Historic Area again. Just like yesterday, despite it being cooler, barely in the 90s, and despite being mostly in the shade, I managed to get almost as soaked as I did in last night's downpour.

It would be helpful if the air was moving a bit. Not as extremely as last night's sudden burst of gusts, but a little wind would be a good thing.

I had not noticed the sign you see in the picture before. Is it new? It may have always been there, for all I know. I can be very un-observant.

Behind the sign you're looking at Village Creek and one of two dam/bridges that cross it.

Now, I admit I can be a bit dense at times, so maybe I'm being dense about the message on the sign, "DANGER LOW WATER CROSSING".

What does that message mean? The danger comes when the creek floods and goes over the dam. At that point a danger sign would make sense. If it said "DANGER HIGH WATER CROSSING". As in crossing the bridge.

The park is always closed when the water goes over the dam/bridge, so basically when you can see the sign it's of no use, because the creek is running a normal flow.

Change of subject to Elsie Hotpepper. EH has seemed a tad sad of late. I'm thinking she is in dire need of doing some saloon hopping. With the hopping taking place some place tropical.


  1. Last night's rain started in Arlington and got as far as 1-2 miles inside 820. Just west of there we heard a lot of thunder and hoped for rain, but barely got a drop. Tandy Hills was bone dry, and perfect for hiking today. Even had a decent breeze.

  2. That really was one good storm last night. Really windy. Did not cross my mind that Tandy might has escaped getting all wet.

  3. I think the sign is really to cover the city's/county's a$$ for liability. I visited Houston right after Hurricane Alex hit. On the shuttle to the car rental building, we passed numerous people who had attempted to go through the high-flood lakes created in the middle of the road and stalling out despite all the other people turning around or going around on the center island.

    One thing about us Texans, we don't have the normal amount of common sense...

  4. Your literal interpretation is amusing.

    The Golden Gate Bridge is a water crossing. It's a high water crossing; as in it's way up there. You aren't going to get wet crossing the water.

    A low water crossing also crosses water, but it's low. If the water rises too much, you're going to get wet.

    Anyway, it's not the water that is high or low. It's the crossing.

  5. Thanks Gar, I actually was perplexed by that sign that made no sense to me. But, your explanation does make sense to me.
