Friday, July 30, 2010

The Last Friday Of July With A Moon For The Misbegotten In Texas

What does "Moon for the Misbegotten" mean, I found myself wondering when I stepped out on my patio, under cover of semi-darkness, and saw a piece of the formerly full moon hanging over head, on this, the last Friday of July of 2010.

We are scheduled to be HOT here today in my zone of North Texas. Currently it is only 78, so my windows are open.

I hear nary a bird chirping or a cicada cicadaing this morning. It is sort of an eerie quiet. It is dead calm out there with the only noise being the splashing of water from the pool fountain and vehicular noise coming from the I-820 freeway.

I fear this strange silence portends for a possibly odder than the norm day.

So, I think I'll go swimming and enjoy the peace and quiet.

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