Friday, July 9, 2010

Getting Soaked By My Second Texas Downpour Of The Day

At noon I got soaked by a downpour on the Tandy Hills. Around 4 I left here, heading to a store to buy some stuff. When I got a view of the horizon I saw a wall of the blackest clouds I think I have ever seen.

I did not take a picture because the wall of black was in the direction I was heading. I figured I'd get a better picture option.

I was wrong.

I was soon in the black, getting hit with a heavy, torrential downpour.

I got to my destination. Ran in. Got my stuff. The noise inside was very loud. On leaving the store there was a cop standing guard. I asked if he was providing umbrella service. He had the gall to suggest I turn my baseball cap around so the bill could provide some protection from the rain.

I got back here to the wet view you see through my windshield, in the picture.

I made a run for it, got back behind closed doors and removed everything wet. I am now drying out for the second time today.

I woke up the computer to see email from Elsie Hotpepper asking if I'd dried out yet. Referencing the Tandy Hills soaking.

I called my mom today because I got gas, and as my one reader knows, when I get gas I call my mom. Mom was jealous of our chilly weather. And rain. She is eagerly awaiting a predicted monsoon rain to hit the Valley of the Sun, also known as the Phoenix area.

I am now seeing flashes and hearing thunder boom.

I am ready for this wet weather to return to the Pacific Northwest, where it belongs. And for Texas to get back to being reliably dry and HOT in summer. It is only 72 out there right now. If the rains stops I'll be opening the windows again.

1 comment:

  1. Not a dry day for two weeks here, extremely uncommon weather for us.
