Saturday, July 31, 2010

Getting HOT On The Last Day Of July In Texas While Thinking About Deception Pass

We are looking down at my pool, from my patio, in the picture. As you can see the sun has not yet arrived on this last day of July. I think I'll head down to the pool in a bit for a moonlit skinnydip.

We are scheduled to hit 101 today in the temperature department. But right now, before the sun shows up to heat up the place, it is only 80, so I've got my windows open and cooling this place.

If I were up in my old home state of Washington today I would be heading out to Whidbey Island to Deception Pass State Park for the picnic party celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the opening of Deception Pass Bridge.

Deception Pass State Park was my Tandy Hills when I lived in Washington, either hiking from Rosario to the lighthouse or parking by the bridge and hiking up Goose Rock. Great hiking with great scenery the likes of which I've not found in Texas.

I hear the birds starting up their morning salute to the arrival of the sun. It's like each morning they are so surprised that the sun has shown up again that they burst into a chirping celebratory cacophony.

It's time to go join the birds and chirp at the sun while I swim.


  1. I've been on the Deception Pass bridge a few times to and from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. That was ages ago when NAS Whidbey Island was called Intruder Country after the A-6 Intrurders based there.

    Rumor or legend had it that a Navy A-6 Intruder flew under the bridge.

    I'm sure this is of great interest to you and your readers. heh

    1. The rumors are was my grandfather! I've heard the story all my life, but never realized it was A6 legend :)

  2. Anonymous, the Navy jet flying under the bridge rumor seems really familiar to me. I think it did happen.
