Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fort Worth Playboy Hash Is #1 Tandy Hills X Suspect

I tell you, there is an underworld of things that take place here in Fort Worth about which I know nothing.

Apparently there have been 648 Fort Worth Runs, alternatively known as Fort Worth Hash. I guess.

On Saturday people gathered at the infamous parking lot, just off Beach Street, on the north side of the Trinity River, where I had fun encounters with gas drilling operatives awhile back.

These people were gathering for the Fort Worth Playboy Hash. To play you come up with $5 Hash Cash. The reason you do this, according to the Fort Worth Hash website, is because of Beer-n-Blondes.

Hashers were asked to wear their skimpiest playboy attire, as in, lingerie, pajamas, bunny tails, blonde wigs, bath robes, well you get the idea.

The website announcement also says "yes, porn will make an appearance on trail!"

And that tacos and other goodies would be provided to munch on.

I am a little confused as to when the Hash Run took place. The gathering began at 5:30pm. But, on the announcement, under "Fort Worth Run No. 648," it says, "End of twilight: 9:06pm," Does this mean the running, I mean, hashing, takes place after dark?

Just minutes ago, Stenotrophomonas reported that when he hiked the Tandy Hills, on Friday afternoon, he saw none of the white powder. By Saturday afternoon, Stenotrophomonas saw the white powder.

The picture at the top shows two X's, well, what I am now calling Hash Marks, that I did not see yesterday, because I did not walk that section of trail.

The Tandy Hills Trails are about 1.25 miles from the Beach Street Playboy Hash meeting location. So, did a group of skimpily clad people make their way south on Beach Street, cross the freeway, then find their way to the Tandy Hills where they wandered the trails looking for white spots and hash marks?

Don Young seems to always know everything that is going on on the Tandy Hills. I'm guessing he was a participant at this event. Or the organizer.

I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you, that I was not invited, what with me regularly hiking the Tandy Hills whilst skimpily clad.

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